The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture


The Fellows of the Dallas Institute are an invited and distinguished group of scholars, teachers, writers, and public intellectuals in the arts and humanities. Their work as a body of individuals committed to issues in or related to the arts and humanities consists of teaching classes, presenting at programs, judging the Hiett Prize in the Humanities, and advising the Directors about the content and procedure of programs at the Dallas Institute.




The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture is pleased to announce a change of leadership as the non-profit organization begins its fifth decade of offering public programs for North Texans. Dr. Seemee Ali has been chosen to lead the Institute as its first-ever President.

Dr. Ali comes to Dallas from Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with her husband, Dr. Michael McShane. For their distinguished teaching, both are recognized as Professors Emeriti at Carthage, where they founded the college’s vibrant Hannibal Lecture Series and established its Lincoln Forum for the Liberal Arts. Dr. Ali is a graduate of Austin College with a B.A. in political science. She holds a Ph.D. from the Institute of Philosophic Studies at the University of Dallas. Since, she has served as Fellow of Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS). Dr. Gregory Nagy, Harvard University’s Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature, wrote in his nominating letter: “I am in awe of her deep learning and her lively engagement with some of the most vitally important and timely topics in the field of classical studies.”

Dr. Ali’s assumption of the Dallas Institute Presidency is in a sense a homecoming. She has been closely involved with the work of the Institute since the 1990s, first as assistant to Drs. Louise and Donald Cowan, founders of the Institute’s Teachers Academy (now the Cowan Center™). After joining the staff of the Museum of Modern Art (NY), she returned to Dallas to serve as administrator for the Teachers Academy while pursuing her graduate studies at the University of Dallas. After leaving Dallas to teach on the Rome campuses of the University of Dallas and John Cabot University and, then, back in the United States, at Morgan State University, Villanova University, and Carthage College, she has since returned frequently to lecture at the Institute.

“After forty years of conducting public programs in Dallas, the Institute is indeed fortunate to have Dr. Ali to lead it into its future,” remarked Dr. Larry Allums, who served as Executive Director for twenty-three years. “She has an intimate understanding of its mission in our city and what it has achieved, and she brings a dynamic vision for what it can and should become.”

In a statement to the Board of Directors and the membership of the Dallas Institute, Dr. Ali said, “At a time when our culture is in crisis, when civil discourse is increasingly difficult, and the unresolved pandemic exposes ever new fault lines in our communities, the humane work of the Dallas Institute is vital. We need the Dallas Institute now more than ever. I am deeply honored to serve as the Institute’s first President.”

Dr. Ali has earned numerous accolades for her work in the humanities both within and outside academe. She has been a regularly invited lecturer in the Newberry Library’s Teachers Consortium (Chicago, IL). She has published essays on Homer’s Iliad, as well as on the twentieth-century American writers Wallace Stevens and William Faulkner. She has lived and led study tours in Rome, Italy, and has lectured and presented scholarly papers across the United States and abroad – on figures as varied as Toni Morrison, Mark Rothko, Salman Rushdie, W.E.B. DuBois, Aeschylus, and Homer.



Dr. J. Larry Allums is Executive Director Emeritus of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. He earned his M.A. in Literature and his Ph.D. in Literature and Political Philosophy from the University of Dallas’ Institute of Philosophic Studies. He came to the Dallas Institute in 1998 from the University of Mobile, where he was Professor of English and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. He has edited a volume of essays on epic poetry, The Epic Cosmos, and published articles on ancient Greek and Roman literature, Dante, and writers of the American Southern renascence, including William Faulkner, Allen Tate, Robert Penn Warren, and Caroline Gordon. Under his leadership, the Dallas Institute continues to emphasize its commitment to urban issues and its longstanding work with pre-K through 12th grade elementary and secondary school teachers, principals, and superintendents. During his tenure, he has directed the creation of several new Institute programs, including the Hiett Prize in the Humanities, the Martin Luther King, Jr., Symposium, and The Dallas Festival of Ideas in partnership with The Dallas Morning News.



Dr. Glenn Arbery majored in journalism at the University of Georgia before literature drew him onto an academic path. After getting his PhD at the University of Dallas in 1982, he taught at the University of St. Thomas and Thomas More College of Liberal Arts before returning to Dallas in 1997 to become director of the Teachers Academy at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. In 2003, he became a senior editor with People Newspapers. In January of this year, he won two national awards in the Suburban Newspaper Association’s annual contest. His book Why Literature Matters appeared in 2001, and The Tragic Abyss, of which he is editor, was published in 2004. He is currently completing his first novel. He and his wife Virginia have eight children and two grandchildren.



Dr. Joan Arbery received her BA in English from the University of Dallas and her PhD in Literature from the University of Notre Dame. She now teaches in the Discernment and Discourse program at SMU, where she enjoys developing courses on contemporary education, urban space, and artificial intelligence.



Coming Soon



Coming Soon



Dr. Victor Bailey is the Charles W. Battey Distinguished Professor of Modern British History and Director of the Hall Center for the Humanities at the University of Kansas. He received his Ph.D. from Warwick in 1975, his M.A. from Oxford University in 1978, and his B.A. from Warwick in 1969. His interests include Modern Britain, circa 1750 to the present; law and justice in Victorian and Twentieth-Century Britain; and the social and cultural impact of industrialization.

The focus of his research has been the origins, principles, and administration of the English system of criminal justice, from the early Victorian era through the twentieth century. He spent a year at the Institute of Criminology in Cambridge, under the direction of Sir Leon Radzinowicz, as preface to doctoral work at the Centre for the Study of Social History, Warwick, under the supervision of social historian, E.P. Thompson. At the Centre, he edited a collection of essays entitled Policing and Punishment in Nineteenth Century Britain (1981). As a research officer at the Centre for Criminological Research in Oxford, he worked on what would become volume five of Radzinowicz’s History, which dealt with penal policy and practice between 1830 and 1914. As a research fellow of Worcester College, Oxford, he received research funding to examine the history of modern criminal policy. The resulting study, published as Delinquency and Citizenship: Reclaiming the Young Offender (Oxford, 1987), dealt with the formation and implementation of policy for young offenders between the important legislative milestones of 1914 and 1948.

For the next few years (following a year as a visiting professor at the University of Rochester, New York), he taught in the Department of Economic and Social History at Hull University in East Yorkshire. He received funding to examine some 750 cases of suicide in Kingston-upon-Hull between 1937 and 1900, to provide the most detailed account yet of the workings of the Victorian coroners’ court, and to seek the causes of suicide in the impact of the different stages of the life cycle. This inquiry eventually became ‘This Rash Act’: Suicide Across the Life-Cycle in the Victorian City (Stanford, 1998). In the past years, he has turned to a book-length assessment of the principles and patterns of punishment (including the death penalty) in twentieth-century Britain. The main theme that will run through “The Rise and Demise of Rehabilitation: Punishment, Culture and Society in Modern Britain” is that historians and criminologists have misunderstood the guiding principles of modern punishment, and have exaggerated the dominance of the rehabilitative paradigm. An evaluation of the years 1895 to 1920, which appeared in the Journal of British Studies (July 1997), and which won the Love Prize of the North American Conference on British Studies for best article in 1997 by a North American scholar, will form the opening section of this book. This project has been funded by research grants from the National Science Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, and the NEH. Oxford will publish the book in its Clarendon Criminology Series.



Dr. Sudeshna Baksi-Lahiri is a cultural anthropologist, specializing in the politics of religion and gender, with particular emphasis on the study of Islam.  Her research interests include the politics of cultural stereotyping and associated narratives, the social constructions of reality, and feminist perspectives on power and politics in Muslim societies.  She earned her B.Sc. in Anthropology from the University of Delhi (India), and her M.A. in Sociology from the Delhi School of Economics (India).  She continued her education at Cornell University, completing her M.A. in Anthropology en passant, and received a Fulbright to conduct her doctoral research in the Republic of Maldives.  She has taught at Ithaca College and Cornell University — and has recently lectured on topics such as: cross-cultural approaches to Islamic thought and practice, women’s power and ritual politics in the Maldives, and textual and contextual interpretations of gender in Islam.  As a Fellow of the Dallas Institute, she is actively engaged in lecturing, teaching and participating in forums.  She is currently working on a monograph about the interpretive nature of religious discourse.



Prof. Larry Beasley, C.M., B.A., M.A., Hon. L.L.D., F.C.I.P., R.P.P. is the retired Chief Planner for the City of Vancouver.  He is now the founding principal of Beasley and Associates, an international planning and urban design consultancy and the “Distinguished Practice Professor of Planning” at the University of British Columbia.

After more than thirty years of civic service in which he led the initiatives to transform Vancouver’s inner city, especially on pivotal waterfront lands, as well as its neighbourhoods and took the lead role in development approvals, Mr. Beasley now teaches and advises on urbanism around the world.  He chairs the ‘National Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty’ of Ottawa’s National Capital Commission; he is Senior Advisor on Urban Design in Dallas, Texas; and he is a member of the International Economic Development Advisory Board of Rotterdam in The Netherlands.    He continues his long service as the Special Advisor on City Planning to the government of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates where he founded the planning agency and led the design of a new national capital.  For several years, he was vice-president of a major Canadian development company, Aquilini Development, managing projects across the country.  Recent work includes: completion of an award-winning plan for the expansion of Moscow in Russia, including the design of a new national government precinct; completion of an influential strategic organizational plan for the Toronto Planning Department; and, curation of an international competition in Dallas for the integration of downtown and the Trinity River across a massive freeway belt.

Mr. Beasley has studied architecture and has degrees in geography and political science (B.A.) and planning (M.A.).  He has also been awarded two Honorary Doctorate Degrees (Hon. L.L.D.), from Simon Fraser University and Dalhousie University.  He is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners, an Honorary Member of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects and has been recognized as an “Advocate for Architecture” by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.  In 2007, he received the Kevin Lynch Prize from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow of the Dallas Institute and sits on the Board of the Canadian Urban Institute.

Mr. Beasley is a Member of the Order of Canada, his country’s highest civilian honour for lifetime achievement.  In recognition of his national service, he has also received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

Professional A



Dr. Tess Castleman, M.A., L.P.C., I.A.A.P., is a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst living in Dallas and Zurich. She is a former educator both in public schools as well as private college and is the author of two books:Threads, Knots, Tapestries: How a Tribal Connection is Revealed through Dreams and Synchronicities and Sacred Circles: A Guide Book to Facilitating Jungian Dream Groups.

She is on the board of curators at the Jung Institute in Zurich where her primary responsibility, in addition to teaching and supervising candidates, is to oversee the English-language International Block Training Program. The block format, a long distance, compressed study model has allowed students would-wide to come to Zurich to study.

Tess has specialized in group work, but also has a private practice for adults and, occasionally couples in Dallas, Texas. Yearly she holds a dream retreat anywhere from Mineral Wells to Einsiedeln, Switzerland where work on the “tribal dream” continues. She is primarily interested in studying the psychology of the group, whether it is a small cluster of unrelated individuals or culture and society as a whole. Her primise is that one dreams for more than oneself, and others benefit from hearing and sharing dreams with others. She is former president of both the Jung Institute of Dallas as well as the Friends of Jung of North Texas.



Dr. Scott D. Churchill is Professor of Psychology at the University of Dallas, where he has previously served as Chair and Founding Director of its Masters Programs in Psychology. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association and past President of the Society for Humanistic Psychology (Div. 32), Churchill was recently re-elected to the APA Council of Representatives and re-appointed as Editor-in-Chief of The Humanistic Psychologist, now published by APA Journals. He also serves on the executive boards of the Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, the Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology (SQIP), and the Society for Humanistic Psychology; and also serves on the editorial boards of several professional journals. In 2014 he was named a Piper Professor by the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation.

Dr. Churchill has authored articles and book chapters in the fields of phenomenological research methodology, human-bonobo communication, second-person perspectivity, and empathy studies; and has developed and taught numerous courses in phenomenological psychology, hermeneutics, depth psychology, projective techniques, primate studies, and cinema studies.

In addition to his film programs for the Dallas Institute, Dr. Churchill continues to serve as Senior Film and Performing Arts Critic for the Irving Community Television Network. He has also been affiliated locally with the Jane Goodall Foundation’s Roots & Shoots program, and has helped to set up programs for them in Dallas, Trento, Bari, and Bangalore.




One of the most important defining characteristics of both myself and my writing is having been born in Houston and having lived here most of my life. I am deeply proud of being a Houstonian. What is often described as a free-wheeling atmosphere here has produced an “anything goes” attitude – an important component of both the entrepreneurial/economic realm and the artistic realm. The hard-working and civic-minded ethics of my parents, who moved to Houston after my dad’s discharge following World War II, set me up well for whatever would follow my traditional, Catholic schooling of elementary and high school years.

Various other people unknowingly made sweet and caring contributions to my childhood love of writing. One of my dad’s older sisters and I wrote and mailed little letters to each other. Even though she was married and busy with her own teaching career, she always wrote back to me. During one of the rare trips to her home, she showed me the special box where she kept all my letters tied up in light blue satin ribbon. I was overwhelmed — I was important and what I wrote was important to someone.

Through other various careers (e.g. high school teacher, tax accountant, employee benefits consultant) I still carried the dream to be a writer. In the late 1980’s I took several courses from the University of Houston’s Creative Writing department. At that point, I was fascinated by the short story and focused on writing in that form. Several pieces were published in literary journals or anthologized.

Several years went by and I was well into my policing career before I began writing about police work. The first poem about policing was “Rosie Working Plain Clothes” — a humorous piece published in How To Undress A Cop (Arte Publico Press, 2000). Many of the later poems in that same book touch on death.  It is my hope that some of these poems will spark understanding in civilians of the incredible paradoxes police officers have to deal with and work under on a daily basis. Law, justice, mercy — they’re all imperfect. Police officers work with these imperfections every day or night.

Learn more at and



Dr. Bainard Cowan holds the Cowan Chair in Literature at the University of Dallas. A Yale Ph.D., Dr. Cowan came to UD from Louisiana State University, where he was Professor of Literature. He is the author of Exiled Waters: Moby Dick and the Crisis of Allegory and has edited four books, including Poetics of the Americas.



Lee Cullum is a journalist who contributes columns to the Dallas Morning Newsand commentaries to the National Public Radio station in North Texas. She also is host of CEO, a series of interviews with leaders from the world of business, produced by KERA.

Cullum has done regular commentary for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and National Public Radio’s All Things Considered. She was editor of the editorial page of the Dallas Times Herald and edited D Magazine, which during her tenure was a finalist for a National Magazine Award.

In addition, Cullum has done political analysis for the CBS affiliate in north Texas. She has hosted Conversations, a series of biographical interviews with major newsmakers for the PBS station in that area. She has appeared onNightline, CNN, MSNBC and on various television programs in Europe. She also has conducted seminars on journalism in Central and Eastern Europe and moderated panels for the World Economic Forum in Davos. She has spoken to press associations in Texas, Minnesota and New England; to committees on foreign relations in Houston, San Francisco, Phoenix, Dallas and Tulsa; and to the International Women’s Forum in Dallas.

Cullum worked as a reporter and then executive producer and on air moderator of Newsroom, a nightly program on the PBS affiliate in Dallas. She also developed several productions for broadcast on PBS including a profile of Lillian Hellman that was nominated for an Emmy.

Cullum anchored the Election Specials that won the Columbia DuPont Broadcast Journalism Award for KERA TV. She also has received honorary degrees from the Monterey Institute for International Studies and the University of Puget Sound, the Matrix Award from Women in Communications twice, as well as the Woman of Achievement Award from Southern Methodist University and the C.E. Shuford Award for Outstanding Journalist in Dallas Fort Worth. In addition, she was given the J.B. Marryatt Award by the Dallas Press Club.

Cullum serves on the board of Freedom House, the American Council on Germany, the Social Sciences Foundation benefitting the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, and the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations as well as the Board of Visitors of the International Programs Center of the University of Oklahoma and the Advisory Board of the World Affairs Council of Dallas-Fort Worth. Previously on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations for ten years, she is a member of CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Inter American Dialogue, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Texas Philosophical Society and the National Conference of Editorial Writers. She also is a senior fellow of the John G. Tower Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University and a fellow of the Dallas Institute for Humanities and Culture as well as the author of Genius Came Early: Creativity in the Twentieth Century. In addition she contributed a chapter toGrowing Up in TexasA Texas Christmas and Literary Dallas.

Cullum attended Sweet Briar College and graduated from Southern Methodist University. She has one son, Cullum Clark, who is in finance and lives in Dallas with his wife, Nita, and their daughters, Lili, Annabel and Charlotte.



DR. DARRYL DICKSON-CARR is Professor and Department Chair of English at SMU. He teaches 20th-century American literature, African American literature, and satire.



Coming Soon



Mr. Rod Dreher is director of publications at the John Templeton Foundation, a philanthropy that focuses on science, religion, economics and morality. A journalist with over 20 years of experience, Dreher was a columnist, editorial writer and online editor at The Dallas Morning News. He is author of the 2006 nonfiction book Crunchy Cons, about neo-traditionalism on the cultural right. He has been chief film critic of the New York Post, a staff writer at National Reviewmagazine, and a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” CNN and other broadcast media. His areas of interest include conservative thought, religion, culture, philosophy and food. Dreher is a 2009 Templeton Cambridge Journalism Fellow in Science & Religion, and writes the popular Crunchy Con blog on He lives in Dallas with his wife and three children.



Bruce DuBose is the co-founder and Producing Artistic Director of Undermain Theatre where he has acted, directed, designed and produced for 36 years with his wife and artistic partner Katherine Owens. He has directed Undermain productions such as JOHN by Annie Baker, Eurydice by Sara Ruhl, The Castle by Howard Barker and Swedish Tales of Woe by Erk Ehn among others. He has performed in productions such as An Iliad, Henrik Ibsen’s The Lady from the Sea, Chekhov’s Three Sisters, Bertolt Brecht’s Galileo, and Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party among many others. Other area stage work includes Antony and Cleopatra at the Shakespeare Festival of Dallas, Arms and the Man at the Dallas Theater Center, Fool For Love at Stage West. NYC stage appearances include Mud into Gold at H.E.R.E, Swedish Tales of Woe and Glamour at the Ohio Theatre, The Inner Circle at the Sandy Shurin Theatre and Undermain’s tour of Neil Young’s Greendale at the ICE Factory Festival. Independent films include Spring Eddy, I Become Gilgamesh, Dusk and Late Bloomers. Television appearances: Prison Break, Walker Texas Ranger, The Deep End, Dangerous Curves, and Friday Night Lights. Animation voice-over characters include Marcus Kincaid in Borderlands, King Neptune in One- Piece on the Funimation network, Thor in the video game series SMITE, and the Boomer in Gears of War. National Documentary voice-over work includes narration for the Emmy-winning PBS documentary series The US/Mexican War, and PBS documentary The Marines.



Dr. Robert S. Dupree is Professor of English at the University of Dallas and former Director of Library and University Research. He is proficient in several languages and is a recognized authority on literary theory and the literary genres. He holds a B.A. from the University of Dallas and the M.A. and Ph.D. from Yale University.



DR. AMBER DYER holds the Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Dallas, where she passed her dissertation defense “with distinction” for her scholarship on Dostoevsky and Faulkner. She has published on such diverse authors as C.S. Lewis, Dostoevsky and Rousseau and is the recipient of the Conference for Christianity and Literature’s James Sims Prize for Literature. Dyer serves on the graduate faculty of the Dallas Institute’s Sue Rose Summer Institute for Teachers and is a Senior Consultant for the Cowan Center for Education. She also teaches classical literature and philosophy at LeTourneau University, where she founded and developed several programs in marketing, university admissions, and student activities, and cheerfully recruited a record number of National Merit Finalists to the institution. Dyer has taught at Dallas Baptist University since 2001 and previously taught the epic and lyric portions of the Literary Tradition sequence at the University of Dallas. While at UD, she taught public speaking and business communication for graduate business students, served as the Assistant Dean of Students, and designed the summer program Arete: An Invitation to the Classics for High School Students. Dyer has spoken to over one hundred audiences nationally on the power of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty to shape human culture and transform human lives. She was Dr. Louise Cowan’s final graduate assistant and mentee of almost two decades.



Prof. Barnaby Fitzgerald divides his time between teaching and painting in the United States, and painting and video work in Togo, West Africa, and Umbria in central Italy. He has shown in Italy, France, the United Kingdom and New York City. Currently he is represented by Meredith Long & Co., Houston, and Valley House Gallery in Dallas, Texas.

In 1979, Fitzgerald was a fellow of the Camargo Foundation in Cassis, France, where he painted and drew Provençal landscapes for a year. In 1985 he won an award from the Ingram Merrill Foundation, New York City.

To enter Barnaby Fitzgerald’s Dallas studio is to enter a world of astonishing beauty, …” writes Frederick Turner, Founders Professor of Arts and Humanities at the University of Texas at Dallas. “In Barnaby Fitzgerald, the Texas sensibility is wonderfully married to the classical European tradition back through the Renaissance to classical Rome and Greece.”

Fitzgerald’s work is in several private collections and in the Yale Art Gallery print collection, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and other museums.

M.F.A. in Painting-Printmaking; Yale University School of Art, 1983
B.F.A. in Painting; Boston University School for the Arts, 1977
Magistero, Printmaking; Istituto d’Arte Statale, Urbino, Italy, 1973

Boston Museum School, Boston, Massachusetts; Painting and Drawing, 1974
Accademia di Belle Arti, Perugia, Italy; Drawing, 1973
Conservatorio Gioacchino Rossini, Pesaro, Italy; Musical Composition, Maestro Mario Bertoncini, 1972

2017 “Concordances” paintings, drawings, Valley House Gallery, Dallas, Texas
2014 Museum of the Southwest, “Moments, Still Lives and Figures,” Texas NEWS (North) exhibit
2013 “Barnabaccio (1953-1980): things outside art,” Carillon Gallery, Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, Texas
2012 “Interdictions and Extuitions,” paintings, Valley House Gallery, Dallas, Texas
2007 “complexions of the avatars,” tempera and oil paintings, Valley House Gallery, Dallas, Texas
2006 “Trimalchio’s Kitchen,” paintings, Meredith Long & Co., Houston, Texas
2004 “Barnaby Fitzgerald, Paintings,” Anne Dean Turk Art Center, Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas

See more exhibitions, 1978-2003

2017 “A society grows great when old men plant trees,” Valley House Gallery, Dallas, Texas
2010 “An Exuberant Life: Flo McGarrell,” AVA Gallery, Lebanon, N.H.
2010 “La Sirena” tempera, in “Á Travers les Couleurs,” Fosaj Art Center, Jacmel, Haiti; curated by Flo McGarrell
2009 “The Plan is the Body,” Big Chimney Art Space, Chicopee, Mass.
2009 “Natural Colors,” Greenfield, Lomé, Togo
2008 “Meadows Art Now,” McKinney Avenue Contemporary (MAC), Dallas, Texas
2007 “Printastic Printangular,” Invitational Print Exhibition, Carillon Gallery, Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, Texas
2004 “The Art Show,” Seventh Regiment Armory, New York City, N.Y. (Valley House Gallery)
2004 Art Chicago at Navy Pier, Chicago, Ill. (Valley House Gallery)
2004 McNay Art Fair, San Antonio, Texas (Valley House Gallery)
2004 “Modalities of the visible,” inaugural exhibition at Brookhaven College’s new Art Gallery, Brookhaven College, Dallas, Texas

See more group exhibitions, 1977-2002

2014 Museum of the Southwest, lecture and podcast on Surrealism, metaphor and the challenges of making art
2013 Visiting printmaking critic, Tarrant County College, Art Department, Fort Worth, Texas
2012 Juror, TVAA Painting competition, Dallas, Texas
2012 Visiting critic, New York Academy, Manhattan, N.Y.|
2011 Presentation, “Algorithms of Distance, Metaphors in Pictorial Language,” 6th International Conference of the Arts in Society, Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, Germany
2010 Presentation, “Painting in West Africa Today,” Claiming Creativity Symposium, Columbia College Chicago
2010 Workshop performance, Fosaj Art Center, Jacmel, Haiti
2007 Artist talk, “Iris donation from A.G Hill to the Meadows Museum of Art,” Meadows Museum, SMU Student Forum
2005 Presentation, “The Contour Phenomenon,” Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas

See more examples of visiting lectures and critiques, 1979-2001

2013 SMU faculty development grant, Museum of the Southwest exhibition support
2011 SMU faculty travel grant, Berlin, to attend 6th International Conference of the Arts in Society
2010 Artist-in-Residence, “Á Travers les Couleurs,” Fosaj Art Center, Jacmel, Haiti
2009 Travel/development grant, Fosaj Art Center, Jacmel, Haiti
2008 Sabbatical leave, Togo and Burkina Faso, Africa

See more examples of grants and residencies, 1979-2003

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas (Canticle)
Meadows Museum, Dallas, Texas (Iris)
Tyler Museum of Art, Tyler, Texas (Dryad; Sunflower Fields)
Barrett Collection, Dallas, Texas
Boston University, Brookline, Mass.
Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, Conn.
Hyatt Regency, Dallas, Texas
Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, Mass.
Yale Print Collection, Yale Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn. (Parable)
Charles B. Goddard Center, Ardmore, Okla. (Poppies)
Museum of the Southwest, Midland, Texas (Romance of the Prodigal Son)
Amarillo Art Museum, Amarillo, Texas (Waiting for Sarah)

Barnaby Fitzgerald’s work is held in numerous private collections across the U.S., Italy, London and Paris.

FredericK Turner, “An Impossible Union: Observations on the Art of Barnaby Fitzgerald” Exhibition Catalogue “Concordances” 2017
Barnaby Fitzgerald, “I Colori Della Presenza Umana” L’Arte Cultura dei Popoli Conference, Sala dei Notari, Perugia, Italy, 2017
Heather Horton, “Past Reveals Present in Exhibit: Sculptural Graffiti,” The Collegian, Fort Worth, Texas, Dec. 4, 2013
Frederick Turner, “The Music of Tempera: an Appreciation of the Art of Barnaby Fitzgerald,” Valley House Gallery, August 2012
Michael Huey, “Comfort in Constraint,” World of Interiors Magazine, July 2012
Barnaby Fitzgerald, “The Algorithms of Distance,” International Journal of the Arts in Society, December 2011
Frederick Turner, “The Eyes of Texas,” American Arts Quarterly, Summer 2010
Judith Segura, “Barnaby Fitzgerald, A Life in Art,” Langdon Review, Fall 2007
Writers Garrett, journal cover, “TEX!,” Spring 2006
Elaine Rogers, “Perfect Pitch,” Dallas/Fort Worth House & Home, February 2005
Rainer Schulte, editor, Translation Review, The University of Texas at Dallas, selection of drawings, 2005
Michael Ennis, “The Barrett Collection,” Meadows Museum exhibition catalogue, November 2004
Steve Carter, “Enigmatically Yours: Explore the Pre-Postmodern Beauty of…” Dallas Home Design, February 2004
Susan White, “Portrait of an artist,” SMU Research magazine, Vol. 2, July 2004
Valley House Gallery 50th Anniversary catalogue, February 2004

See numerous additional articles, 1973-2003

2014 MacMillan Audiobooks, cover of “Homeric Poems,” trans. R. Fitzgerald.
2011 Nominated: Smithsonian Artists Research Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
2010 Presentation, “The Stance of Independence,” and video documentary on West African contemporary painting, at Claiming Creativity Conference, Columbia College, Chicago, Ill.
2009 Written, directed, filmed 50-minute documentary video Les Couleurs de la Forêt, on Prosper Nyanú, Kouma Konda, Togo; video nominated for Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation Biennial Award
2008 Written, directed, filmed video A Retable on Panel: 52minutes, Professor Bonnie Wheeler, English Department, Cultural Formation Class Spring 2008, former Meadows Museum, SMU
2005 Societé Arabella, Paris, France. Painting, “Terpsichore”
2004 Farrar Straus and Giroux, book cover for new edition of Homer, The Odyssey and Homer, The Iliad.

See additional commissions, activities and nominations, 1974-97

SMU Meadows
1999-Present, Professor of Art
1990-99, Associate Professor of Art
1984-89, Assistant Professor of Art

Teaching, Other
1989-Present, Adjunct Graduate Faculty, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Biomedical Communications
1989, Visiting Professor of Painting and Drawing, The University of Georgia at Athens, Cortona, Italy
1982-84, Art Instructor; Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, Conn.
1983-84, Assistant Lecturer in Art Appreciation; Quinnipiac College, New Haven, Conn.
1982-83, Teaching Assistant to Bernard Chaet, drawing courses for Yale studio art majors, Yale University, School for the Arts
1977, Instructor of Drawing, AIFS Program; Università per Stranieri, Perugia, Italy

Barnaby Fitzgerald website
Barnaby Fitzgerald Vimeo channel



Ben Fountain’s most recent book is Beautiful Country Burn Again: Democracy,
Rebellion, and Revolution, and is based on the Pulitzer Prize-nominated essays and
reportage that he wrote on the 2016 presidential election for The Guardian. He is
also the author of a novel, Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, which in 2016 was
adapted for film by three-time Oscar winner Ang Lee, and a short story collection,
Brief Encounters with Che Guevara. His work has received the National Book
Critics’ Circle Award for Fiction, the PEN/Hemingway Award, the Los Angeles
Times Book Award for Fiction, the Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize, a Whiting
Writer’s Award, an O.Henry Award, and two Pushcart Prizes, and has been a
finalist for the National Book Award in both the U.S. and the U.K. (international
authors division). His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in The New York
TimesThe New York Review of BooksThe Wall Street JournalLe Monde,
IntranQu’îllités (Haiti), Reporte Sexto Piso (Mexico), EsquireThe Paris Review,
Harper’sZoetrope: All-StoryThe Oxford AmericanSewanee Review, and
elsewhere. His novel The Jacmel Wreck is forthcoming.



Mr. Brad Goldberg is an artist whose work is centered on developing a fusion between sculpture, landscape, urban design, place, culture, and community. It is an art that aspires to escape categorical definitions, restrictions or limitations Each new project generates a unique response encompassing the total aspect of a specific place or circumstance. This response may include sculpture, architecture, landscape, water, furniture etc.

The complexities of working on large environmental projects have led to collaborative efforts with other artists, design professionals, civic leader’s, corporations, and communities. His work as an artist reflects a strong interest in archetypal forms, the cycles of nature, the evolution of technology, and examines the metaphor of stone viewed within the span of geologic time while creating people-oriented community spaces. Within this framework, he works to enrich each project with a sense of belonging to its context through beautiful objects imbued with meaning, sensitivity to scale, attention to craftsmanship and simple materials used with the evidence of the touch of the human hand.

Brad resides in Dallas, where he keeps his studio. He works on a wide array of projects nationally as well as internationally and frequently travels abroad to work on projects and to maintain a world-perspective. “In time,” he states, “with many experiences layered over one another, I am hoping my work will reflect a cultural collage…..more in keeping with artistic truths, than passing fashions.



Dr. Randy Gordon is a Founding Partner of Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s Dallas office and Executive Professor of Law and History at Texas A&M University. He is a prolific writer and frequent lecturer. Among his publications are Rehumanizing Law: A Theory of Law and Democracy and numerous book chapters and journal articles across the U.S. and beyond.

Randy D. Gordon CV



Jessica Lee Hamlin is the Executive Director of Shumla Archaeological Research and Education Center, a non-profit archaeological center she helped to found in 1998. She earned her B.A. in Anthropology/Archaeology with a minor in Spanish language from Texas A&M University, graduating Magna Cum Laude with Foundation, University and Liberal Arts honors. After working at the Smithsonian Institution (Washington D.C.) and Crow Canyon Archaeological Center (Cortez, CO), she returned to her studies and received an M.A. in Human Geography from the University of Texas at Austin, graduating Summa Cum Laude. Her thesis focused on the lifeways and land use patterns of Archaic people in Northern Mexico.

Finding archaeology positions thin on the ground during the economic downturn, she took a position at an international management consulting firm, Towers Perrin (now Willis Towers Watson) working for the following eight years to the level of Senior Consultant of Communications and Change Management. In this position, she designed and executed communications and change management strategies for large corporations across the nation and internationally. During this time, she also continued her education with coursework at Southern Methodist University in Creative Writing and Spanish.

In March of 2015, Jessica was thrilled to accept the position of Executive Director at Shumla Archaeological Research and Education Center, bringing her experience full circle. Shumla is now a global leader in rock art research and education. Shumla applies humanities, advanced science and technology in the fight to preserve the information held in the oldest “books” in North America — the endangered murals of the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Texas. Their research is adding chapters to the history of Texas, North America and the world. And their work is preserving an untapped ancient library for future generations.

In the eight years since taking the position at the helm of Shumla, Jessica has ushered the organization through the achievement of a National Historic Landmark designation for the Lower Pecos Canyonlands Archaeological Region, raised the funds to endow a Research Professorship at Texas State University for Shumla founder Dr. Carolyn Boyd, funded and oversaw the four-year Alexandria Project that documented 235 rock art sites across the region, and opened a second Shumla office in San Marcos, TX. The preservation and study of the hundreds of Archaic murals offer Jessica both constant wonder and enriching work. There’s so much left to learn and to share!



Dr. Benjamin Heber Johnson is Associate Professor of History and Global Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He moved to UW-M in 2011 after teaching for nine years at Southern Methodist University, where he was also an associate director and interim director of the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies. A native of Houston, Texas, he received a B.A. summa cum laude at Carleton College and a Ph.D. at Yale University. He has also taught as a postdoctoral instructor at the California Institute of Technology the University of Texas at San Antonio. His primary areas of research and teaching include environmental history, North American borders, Texas history, and western history. He is author of Revolution in Texas: How a Forgotten Rebellion and Its Bloody Suppression Turned Mexicans into Americans (Yale University Press, 2003) and Bordertown: The Odyssey of an American Place(Yale University Press, 2008). His articles on environmental politics in the Progressive-era United States and international borders have been published in journals including The Journal of American History, Environmental History, Reviews in American History, and History Compass. His edited volumes includeSteal this University: The Labor Movement and the Corporatization of Higher Education (Routledge, 2003), and The Making of the American West (ABC-CLIO, 2007). He co-edited Bridging National Borders in North America (Duke University Press, 2010) with Andrew Graybill, and Major Problems in the History of North American Borderlands (Cengage Learning, 2011) with Pekka Hämäläinen. Johnson is the recipient of the Popular Culture/American Culture Association’s Browne Award for Bordertown, the Ralph Hidy award for the best article in the journal Environmental History, and grants from the Huntington Library, Marshall/Baruch Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the American Council of Learned Societies. He has peer-reviewed book manuscripts for numerous presses, including Yale, Oxford, Duke, and Texas, and article manuscripts for The Western Historical Quarterly, Environmental History, The Journal of Southern History, and The Southwestern Historical Quarterly. He has taught classes on environmental history in North America and the world, the history of natural disasters, North American borders, U.S. history, native American history, and U.S. civil rights history. Johnson is currently writing a book on American environmentalism in the early 20th century.



Prof. Judy French Kelly is a highly respected independent producer/writer/director whose credits include nationally broadcast PBS documentaries, live entertainment specials, news segments, re-enactments and live satellite feeds for ABC, NBS, CBS, CNN, FOX, HBO, Discovery, The Learning Channel, The History Channel, E! Entertainment & Lifetime Networks. She regularly serves as Field Producer of segments for nationally televised programs like “Good Morning, America,” “America’s Most Wanted,” and “Inside Edition.” She also produces high school and college recruiting videos, technical/medical films, fund-raising and tribute videos.

She has won special recognition for her cultural documentaries for PBS: her program Frozen Music: The Making of a Concert Hall, about I. M. Pei’s design and construction of the Meyerson Symphony Center, won an Emmy and a Matrix Award, and she was awarded a Texas Commission on the Arts grant for the production of Art Behind Bars about the art produced in American prisons, which also won a Bronze Apple Award from the National Educational Film & Video Association.

Judy Kelly has produced performance specials, The Dallas Observer Music Awards, for the local ABC-affiliate, WFAA-TV, as well as Impressions of Dallas, a multi-cultural community awareness documentary for which she led a collaboration between the Dallas Independent School District, the Dallas Museum of Art (which exhibited student photos), the Dallas Morning News and WFAA-TV. Her documentary on The Pegasus Project, produced for the Central Dallas Association, won Questar and Videographer Awards of Excellence. Her tribute videos for The Catholic Foundation’s annual Awards banquets have won Telly, Videographer and Communicators Awards. Kelly has created “The Spirit of Ceramics” series for NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) which has been broadcast on local PBS stations in Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolina, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and Indiana. For those programs, she has won Davey (Gold & Silver), Communicators, and Corporation for Public Broadcasting Awards.



Professor Patrick Kelly has taught and directed plays at The University of Dallas since 1967, where he served as Professor of Drama until retiring. Prof. Kelly directs professional productions across the US, concentrating on Shakespeare plays in Dallas, Fort Worth, California and most frequently at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival on the campus of the University of Colorado in Boulder. He has directed three productions of The Tempest, most recently in 2006 at Boulder.

He and Judy lecture and conduct Shakespeare workshops in a variety of places, including in 2005 and 2006 Oxford, England and in the Dolomite Alps for the travel and study group, MindTreks. He is a graduate of Jesuit High School in Dallas with a B.A. from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Fine Arts degree from SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts where he was in the first class of graduate students.

More recently, Prof. Kelly has directed at SMU, Shakespeare Dallas, and the award-winning Undermain Theatre.



Dr. Dorothy Kosinski became the director of The Phillips Collection in April 2008, following the retirement of the previous director, Jay Gates (1998-2008). She is the former senior curator of painting and sculpture at the Dallas Museum of Art, and served earlier as an independent curator for the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, the Kunstmuseum Basel, and the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Dr. Kosinski has written and published widely in numerous catalogues and books, as well as many art magazines. She regularly participates in scholarly lectures and has extensive teaching experience at the university level, including the University of Texas, Dallas, the University of Basel, and New York University, among others. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, and her B.A. from Yale University.



Mark Lamster is the architecture critic of the Dallas Morning News and a lecturer and Loef fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. His biography of the late architect Philip Johnson, The Man in the Glass House (Little Brown, 2018), was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography.  In 2021, he was awarded the $50,000 Rabkin Prize for arts journalism. He was born in New York City and holds degrees from Johns Hopkins and Tufts.



Elizabeth M. (Liza) Lee is a national leader in the education of girls and young women. As Eugene McDermott Headmistress of The Hockaday School in Dallas from 1989 to 2004, Lee led the school’s advancement as one of the best private pre-college schools in the nation and established a model for the elevation of quality in education at schools for girls. Achievements during her tenure at Hockaday include a successful capital campaign that greatly increased the endowment, addition of several new buildings, revolutionary changes in math and science curricula, and a significant increase in student diversity. She has encouraged and inspired young women to transcend gender-defined social roles in charting their future. Her leadership includes presidency of the National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls and the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. Since retiring from Hockaday last year, Lee has served as executive director of the Foundation for the Education of Young Women and assisted the Dallas Independent School District in establishing the Irma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School.



Dr. Thomas K. Lindsay is the former President of Shimer College. He was the Deputy Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities until December 2008. He is also the Director of the NEH We the People initiative, which funds programs, research and other activities that explore significant events and themes in U.S. history and culture, and advance knowledge of the principles that define America. Lindsay received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. His research has focused largely on the relation of democracy and education. His articles have appeared in the American Political Science Review, The Journal of Politics and the American Journal of Political Science.

Lindsay has taught at the University of Northern Iowa and the University of Dallas. At the University of Dallas, he also became dean of the graduate school and director of the Institute for Philosophic Studies, and subsequently was promoted to provost. In 2005, Lindsay became provost and executive vice president of Seton Hall University.



David Markham, MD, MSc is a heart failure and transplant cardiologist at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.  Dr. Markham has been involved in medical humanities programs at multiple universities, organizing conferences and symposia on literature and medicine and advocating for humanities in medical curricula. He was involved with organizing one of the first national conferences on poetry and medicine. He believes that art, literature, and medicine are all connected in our creative human experience, especially in the time of increasing reliance on technology. Of particular interest to Dr. Markham is how suffering and joy are described in poetry.



Dr. Thomas Mayo is Associate Professor at SMU’s Dedman School of Law; Adjunct Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas – Southwestern Medical School; and Of Counsel to Haynes and Boone, all in Dallas. He teaches courses in health care law, election law, torts, nonprofit organizations, and bioethics, as well as a literature course for medical students and law students together (titled, unsurprisingly, “Law, Literature & Medicine”). He currently serves on two hospital ethics committees and is co-chair of the ethics committees at Parkland Hospital and Children’s Medical Center. He is a co-founder of the Dallas Legal Hospice, Texas’ first pro bono legal clinic for persons with HIV disease and persons with terminal illnesses. In 2002 he received the Dallas County Medical Society’s Heath Award for outstanding leadership and service to medicine and to the community of Dallas and has twice received the law school’s outstanding teacher award. He is also a member of the Advisory Committee of the Program in Ethics in Science and Medicine at the University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center and a founding Fellow of the American Health Lawyers Association. From 2005 to 2010 he served as the third director of the Cary M. Maguire Center for Ethics and Public Responsibility at Southern Methodist University. He was also the editor of the Medical Humanities Series of the SMU Press and the poetry columnist for the Dallas Morning News.



Dr. Donna McBride has taught history for almost forty years at both the secondary and university levels and science fiction at the university level.



Dr. Thomas Moore is the author of the bestselling book Care of the Soul and fifteen other books on deepening spirituality and cultivating soul in every aspect of life. He has been a monk, a musician, a university professor, and a psychotherapist, and today he lectures widely on holistic medicine, spirituality, psychotherapy, and the arts. He lectures frequently in Ireland and has a special love of Irish culture. He has Ph. D. in religion from Syracuse University and has won several awards for his work, including an honorary doctorate from Lesley University and the Humanitarian Award from Einstein Medical School of Yeshiva University. He also has a B.A. in music from DePaul University, an M.A. in musicology from the University of Michigan, and an M.A. in theology from the University of Windsor. He also writes fiction and music and often works with his wife, artist and yoga instructor, Hari Kirin. He writes regular columns for Resurgence, Spirituality & Health, has recently published Writing in the Sand: The Spirituality of Jesus and the Soul of the Gospels, and will soon publish Care of the Soul in Medicine, and The Guru of Golf and Other Stories about the Game of Life.



Jed Morse is an art historian, author, and curator who has organized numerous exhibitions and published and lectured widely on modern and contemporary art and architecture, as well as the role of art in the public realm. He currently serves as Chief Curator at the Nasher Sculpture Center, where he has held various positions since 2002. Mr. Morse also previously worked at the Dallas Museum of Art and the National Museum of American Art (now Smithsonian American Art Museum) in Washington, D.C. A Dallas native, he has served on boards and committees of numerous arts and education organizations across the United States. He received his M.A. in Art History from the University of Texas at Austin and B.A. in Art History from Middlebury College.



Dr. Wesley Null serves as Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education at Baylor University.  He completed his Ph.D. degree at the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied curriculum theory and history of education.  Prior to beginning his role as Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Dr. Null served as Associate Dean of Baylor’s Honors College, Acting Director of the University’s Honors Program, and director of Baylor’s Ph.D. in Curriculum & Teaching Program.  In addition to his Ph.D. from UT-Austin, Dr. Null holds a B.S.Ed. and an M.Ed. from Eastern New Mexico University.

Null has authored numerous books in the fields of curriculum theory and educational history, including Curriculum:  From Theory to Practice(Rowman and Littlefield, 2011), Peerless Educator: The Life and Work of Isaac Leon Kandel (Peter Lang, 2007), and A Disciplined Progressive Educator:  The Life and Career of William Chandler Bagley (Peter Lang, 2004).  He is also co-editor, with Diane Ravitch, of Forgotten Heroes of American Education: The Great Tradition of Teaching Teachers (Information Age Publishing, 2006).

Null has co-edited several other books as well, including American Educational Thought: Essays from 1640 to 1940 (Information Age Publishing, 2010) and The Pursuit of Curriculum: Schooling and the Public Interest(Information Age Publishing, 2006).  Null served as editor of the American Educational History Journal from 2006-2011 and also served as president of the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum from 2010-2011.

In his current role as Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Null collaborates with senior administration and faculty to coordinate and provide a common vision for undergraduate education at Baylor.




M.H., University of Dallas, Literature concentration.  Ms. Nweze (WIN-zee) has been a public school educator for more than 25 years. An alumna of the 2006 and 2007 Sue Rose Summer Institutes, she is a member of the Teachers Alumni Advisory Board of the Cowan Center for Education™.  Ms. Nweze attended and graduated from the distinguished Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts for her secondary career. She is a certified reading specialist who worked in the Dallas ISD for more than eighteen years where she served as a high school English teacher, Department Chair, District Instructional Coach, Assistant Principal, and Academic Facilitator. Ms. Nweze is currently a Professional Development Specialist for Catapult Learning, LLC., in Dallas while she pursues a doctoral degree in curriculum and instruction. Ms. Nweze serves the Cowan Center™ as a TEKS and English STAAR specialist. Ms. Nweze is currently working on her dissertation.



Zsuzsanna Ozsváth is the Leah and Paul Lewis Chair in Holocaust Studies and Professor of Literature and the History of Ideas at the University of Texas at Dallas. Her work focuses on Holocaust literature and poetry translation. She has published several books, including translations with Fred Turner, and has been the recipient of two major literary awards: she was presented with the Milán Füst Prize in 1995 with Fred Turner, the highest literary prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, for their renderings of Miklós Radnóti’s poetry, and in 1999, the volume of Attila József’s selected poems translated by Profs. Ozsvath and Turner won one of the publishing prizes of the Hungarian Ministry of Culture and Education at the Frankfurt Book Fair.


Joshua Parens

Joshua Parens received his BA from St. John’s College and his MA and PhD from the University of Chicago. He is Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts at the University of Dallas. In addition to philosophers on whom he has published, he currently has writing projects on Bacon, Descartes, Montesquieu, and Heidegger



Dr. Diane Ravitch is Research Professor of Education at New York University and a historian of education. In addition, she is a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. She shares a blog called Bridging Differences with Deborah Meier, hosted by Education Week. She also blogs for and Her articles have appeared in many newspapers and magazines. From 1991 to 1993, she was Assistant Secretary of Education and Counselor to Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander in the administration of President George H.W. Bush. She was responsible for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education. As Assistant Secretary, she led the federal effort to promote the creation of voluntary state and national academic standards. From 1997 to 2004, she was a member of the National Assessment Governing Board, which oversees the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the federal testing program. She was appointed by the Clinton administration’s Secretary of Education Richard Riley in 1997 and reappointed by him in 2001. From 1995 until 2005, she held the Brown Chair in Education Studies at the Brookings Institution and edited Brookings Papers on Education Policy. Before entering government service, she was Adjunct Professor of History and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her most recent book is The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education.



Coming Soon



Dr. Nancy Cain Robertson currently serves on the Board of Directors of Westwood Trust (NYSE), Dallas Center for the Performing Arts Foundation, Trinity Trust, Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations and is a Life Trustee and Fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. Robertson also served three terms as a trustee of The University of Dallas, where she was a member of the Executive Committee, and one term as a trustee of The Hockaday School. Texas Governor Rick Perry appointed Robertson

Commissioner on the State of Texas Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities, and she served as well on the Board of Visitors of Trinity College at Duke University and the Executive Board of Southern Methodist University Libraries; she remains a member of the Board of Visitors of Columbia College at Columbia University and on the Advisory Boards of the World Affairs Council and of the Dallas Women’s Foundation.

In 2001, Robertson received a Presidential appointment and Senate confirmation to serve as a United States Public Delegate to the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, a post she held for one year beginning September 10 on the eve of the national tragedy. Robertson holds a PhD in Literature from the Institute of Philosophic Studies at the University of Dallas, where she taught the Greek and Roman Epic portion of the University’s required course on the Literary Tradition.

Robertson is a core faculty for the Dallas Institute’s Teachers Academy and Principals Institute programs.



Dr. Robert Romanyshyn is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Author of eight books including his forthcoming Victor Frankenstein, the Monster and the Shadows of Technology: The Frankenstein Prophecies, he has published numerous essays in psychological, philosophical, literary, and education journals.

Commissioner on the State of Texas Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities, and she served as well on the Board of Visitors of Trinity College at Duke University and the Executive Board of Southern Methodist University Libraries; she remains a member of the Board of Visitors of Columbia College at Columbia University and on the Advisory Boards of the World Affairs Council and of the Dallas Women’s Foundation.

In 2001, Robertson received a Presidential appointment and Senate confirmation to serve as a United States Public Delegate to the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, a post she held for one year beginning September 10 on the eve of the national tragedy. Robertson holds a PhD in Literature from the Institute of Philosophic Studies at the University of Dallas, where she taught the Greek and Roman Epic portion of the University’s required course on the Literary Tradition.

Robertson is a core faculty for the Dallas Institute’s Teachers Academy and Principals Institute programs.


Dr. Daniel Russ

Dr. Daniel Russ is a consultant with the Dallas Institute’s Louise and Donald Cowan Center for Education and a faculty member of the Cowan Center’s Summer Institute for Educators. He has contributed to all four volumes of the Institute’s literary genre series edited by Louise Cowan, his teacher and dissertation director. Dr. Russ also serves on the Advisory Board and Foundation Board for the Jackson Hole Classical Academy. He retired in 2015 as academic dean and faculty member of Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts where he served for thirteen years. He is also a senior fellow of the Trinity Forum where he is a seminar moderator, a contributor to several curricula of TTF, and writer and general editor to the curriculum Children of Prometheus: Technology and the Good Life. Prior to Gordon College, he was the headmaster at Trinity Christian Academy in Addison, Texas, where he previously taught high school students and was Managing Director of the Dallas Institute. In addition to his Institute publications, he has contributed to a number of publications on education, first and second editions of his book Flesh-and-Blood Jesus: Learning to Be Fully Human from the Son of Man, and co-editor of The Hermeneutics of Hell: Visions and Representations of the Devil in World Literature. Dan and his wife Kathy live in Centennial,

Commissioner on the State of Texas Commission on 21st Century Colleges and Universities, and she served as well on the Board of Visitors of Trinity College at Duke University and the Executive Board of Southern Methodist University Libraries; she remains a member of the Board of Visitors of Columbia College at Columbia University and on the Advisory Boards of the World Affairs Council and of the Dallas Women’s Foundation.

In 2001, Robertson received a Presidential appointment and Senate confirmation to serve as a United States Public Delegate to the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, a post she held for one year beginning September 10 on the eve of the national tragedy. Robertson holds a PhD in Literature from the Institute of Philosophic Studies at the University of Dallas, where she taught the Greek and Roman Epic portion of the University’s required course on the Literary Tradition.

Robertson is a core faculty for the Dallas Institute’s Teachers Academy and Principals Institute programs.



Dr. Elizabeth Russ is an Institute Fellow and Assistant Professor of Spanish at SMU. Her research and publishing interests focus on comparative U.S. and Latin American literatures and cultures, and she is a faculty member of the Teachers Academy.



John Z. Sadler, M.D. is currently a Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Sciences and the Daniel W. Foster, M.D. Professor of Medical Ethics at UT Southwestern. Dr. Sadler directs the Department of Clinical Science’s Division of Ethics & Health Policy and the Division of Ethics in the Department of Psychiatry. Currently he serves as an International Fellow in the Institute for Philosophy, Diversity, & Mental Health at the University of Central Lancashire (UK).

Dr. Sadler received his B.S. Degree in Psychology from Southern Methodist University in 1976 and his M.D. from Indiana University School of Medicine in 1980. He took his internship and residency in Psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, and was Chief Resident in Psychiatry there in 1984. Following his residency he joined the faculty at UT Southwestern and has remained there since.

Dr. Sadler has edited or co-edited three books, several special issues of professional journals, and authored a comprehensive monograph, Values and Psychiatric Diagnosis, published in 2005 and in collaboration with philosopher Jennifer Radden, The Virtuous Psychiatrist: Character Ethics in Clinical Practice in 2009. He has published dozens of articles and chapters in the area of clinical psychiatry, psychiatric education, bioethics, and the philosophy of psychiatry. He maintains a small practice of general psychiatry and involvement with psychiatric professional organizations. Since 1985 he has served on the Parkland Memorial Hospital Institutional Ethics Committee and since 1989 has served as its Co-Chair and clinical ethics consultant to the hospital. Since 2001 Sadler has served as Chair of UT Southwestern’s Institutional Review Board #3.



Jonathan J. Sanford is dean of the Constantin College of Liberal Arts at the University of Dallas. A nationally recognized ethics scholar, Sanford previously served as associate vice president for academic affairs and professor of philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville (FUS).

Sanford led the project to establish Franciscan University Press, which was founded in June 2014, and served as its first director. He also developed and oversaw faculty development funding at FUS and was a critical part of the creation and implementation of a new core curriculum. The leader and organizer of a number of symposia on Catholic higher education at FUS, Sanford was active in the university community, delivering lectures and informal talks for many different organizations and departments. In the wider Catholic community, Sanford recorded a yearlong radio series on metaphysics for a Catholic radio station and has been interviewed on occasion for EWTN and Relevant Radio.

A widely published author on the topics of virtue theory and metaphysics, Sanford’s most recent book is Before Virtue: Assessing Contemporary Virtue Ethics.

Sanford earned a bachelors degree in classical languages and philosophy from Xavier University in Cincinnati and a doctorate in philosophy from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York.



Dr. Jaina Sanga is a professional writer of both fiction and non-fiction. Currently she focuses on her fiction writing and has published a novel – Silk Fish Opium (2012), a book of short stories – Train to Bombay (2015), and a book of novellas – Tourist Season (2017). Her fiction has won several prizes and led to her selection as a participant in prestigious residencies and workshops both in the U.S. and abroad.

Sanga is also a literary scholar, having taught at SMU and the Dallas Institute. She has published a book on Salman Rushdie, edited two volumes on South Asian literature, and authored several articles in scholarly journals in the U.S. and South Asia. She has also made numerous presentations at academic conferences around the world, including those in Berlin, Mumbai, Trinidad, Cape Town, Oviedo (Spain), Chicago, and San Francisco.

Sanga has a B.A. from Hiram College in Ohio, an M.A. in English Literature from Kent State University, and a Ph.D. in English Literature from Case Western Reserve University.

Sanga was born in Mumbai and now lives in Dallas. She is currently working on her fourth book of fiction, a detective novel set in India and Dubai.



One of the six founding Fellows of the Dallas Institute, Dr. Robert Sardello is co-founder and co-director of The School of Spiritual Psychology, which began in 1992, and co-editor of Goldenstone Press. He has written Money and the Soul of the World (with Randolf Severson), Facing the World with SoulLove and the Soul (re-issued as Love and the World), Freeing the Soul from FearThe Power of Soul: Living the Twelve VirtuesSilence, andA Few Steps on the Stone Path: Working with Crystals and Minerals as Spiritual Practice (in press). His main emphasis has been to develop theoretical and practical approaches to perceiving and being in right relation with the Soul of the World, showing that humans are pulled from the time stream from the future rather than pushed from the past, and developing the interior consciousness of the heart. He is an independent teacher and scholar.



Indian-born, American photographer Lekha Singh has traveled the world for over 25 years, taking photographs and making films. Her work tells stories of the commonality of human experience from crowded cities to little-known places of destitution and desolation. She brings the lives of people, cultures and places to the forefront in a way that expresses the narrative of their lives.

Her photographs have been seen in over twenty exhibitions, four books (including one for National Geographic) and several magazines and newspapers (including New York Times). The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The International Center of Photography, and Rubin Museum have her works in their permanent collections.

Her films have reached more than a hundred million people. In 2012 she released Beyond Right and Wrong: Stories of Justice and Forgiveness, a documentary she directed and produced. The film explores the role of forgiveness in the search for justice in Rwanda, Israel and Palestine and Northern Ireland. The film garnered many awards including; The Sundance Collective’s Social Impact Award, The American Psychological Association’s Best Avant-Garde Film, Fingal Film Festival’s Best Documentary and was LA Jewish Film Festival’s Runner-up for Best Documentary.

Singh has executive produced over 15 films, including the Emmy award-winning The Square.

She has worked to create social impact through innovation. Forming several Foundations and supporting others. The most prominent among them is Aidmatrix. In 2000 Singh founded Aidmatrix to help solve the hunger problem and mobilized over $1.5 billion in aid and relief annually, by working with 35,000 fellow charities on 5 continents and fed over 25 million people per year.

She is the recipient of many awards, among them Women’s eNews 21 Leaders of the 21st Century, Profiles in Leadership from Southern Methodist University, Women Helping Women, Maura Award and YWCA’s 100 Women of the Century.

Singh has an M.Phil. in Philosophy from Hyderabad University and worked on her PhD in Sociology at Kent State University.



Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D., has for the past twenty-seven years been a Core Faculty member in the Mythological Studies Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, CA, where he holds the rank of Distinguished Professor Emeritus.  He has taught for the past fifty-two years at the elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate levels. From 1984-87, he taught teachers the classics of literature in the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture’s Summer Program for Teachers. He also taught for six years at the Fairhope Institute of Humanities and Culture’s Summer Program for high school teachers under the direction of Dr. Larry Allums, Executive Director Emeritus of the Dallas Institute. He is the author, co-author, editor, or co-editor of thirty volumes as well as over two hundred articles in books, magazines, newspapers and online journals. His titles include: The Idiot: Dostoevsky’s Fantastic Prince (1984); The Wounded Body: Remembering the Markings of Flesh (2000); A Pilgrimage Beyond Belief:Spiritual Journeys through Christian and Buddhist Monasteries of the American Wes (2017); Harvesting Darkness: Essays on Literature, Myth, Film and Culture (2006); With Glen Slater he coedited Varieties of Mythic Experience: Essays on Religion, Psyche and Culture (2008); with Jennifer Selig he co-edited Reimagining Education: Essays on Reviving the Soul of Learning (2009); Day-to-Day Dante: Exploring Personal Myth Through The Divine Comedy (2012); Our Daily Breach: Exploring Your Personal Myth Through Herman Melville’s Moby-DickAn Obscure Order: Reflections On Cultural Mythologies (2020); with Deborah Anne Quibell and Jennifer Leigh Selig, he has coauthored Deep Creativity: Seven Ways to Spark Your Creative Spirit, which won first place in the 2020 Nautilus Book Awards under the category “Creativity and Inspiration.”  He has also published seven volumes of poetry and one novel. He offers (W)riting Retreats on personal mythology using the writings of Joseph Campbell and others to Jungian groups and other organizations in the United States and Europe.



Dr. Carolyn Smith-Morris is a medical anthropologist and Associate Professor at Southern Methodist University. Her research documents the experience of chronic disease and disability, particularly diabetes, through mixed methodologies. She has conducted research among the Gila River (Akimel O’odham) Indian Community of Southern Arizona, Mexicans and Mexican immigrants to the U.S., and Veterans with spinal cord injuries. Her most recent work questions the inadequacies of disease-specific health care systems: that is, the systems of multiple medical appointments, overlapping medication regimes, and competing professional explanations that patients suffering from multiple chronic conditions must endure, understand, and manage.

Dr. Smith-Morris received her B.A. in anthropology from Emory University, an M.S. in rehabilitation services from Florida State University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Arizona. She is the author of several articles in minority and indigenous health, health and research ethics, the end-of-life, diabetes, and reproduction.  She has published in the journals American Indian Culture and Research JournalAppetiteCambridge Quarterly of Healthcare EthicsHispanic Journal of Behavioral Science, Human Organization, JAMA Clinical Crossroads Online, Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, the Omega Journal of Death and DyingPhilosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology, and Social Science & Medicine.

Her first monograph is a holistic view of the diabetes epidemic at the Gila River Indian Reservation, where more than half of adults have this disease. Diabetes Among the Pima: Stories of Survival was published in 2006 by the University of Arizona Press. She has also co-edited two ground-breaking volumes in the social science of medicine: Chronic Conditions, Fluid States: Chronicity and the Anthropology of Illness (2010) with Lenore Manderson through Rutgers University Press; and as sole editor of Diagnostic Controversy: Cultural Perspectives on Competing Knowledge in Healthcare (2015) through Routledge Press.



Willard Spiegelman is the Hughes Professor of English and American Literature, emeritus, at Southern Methodist University, where he taught from 1971 to 2017. He was also the editor-in-chief of the Southwest Review (1984-2016). He holds degrees from Williams College and Harvard University, and has won fellowships from the Guggenheim and Rockefeller Foundations, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The author of thirteen books and many essays, he is also a longtime contributor to the arts pages of the Wall Street Journal.



In 1979, Dr. David Sweet joined the University of Dallas as an assistant professor of classics. He was appointed dean of the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts in 2001 and serves as the director for the Institute of Philosophic Studies and the director of the Graduate Program in Humanities. Prior to joining the University, he held faculty positions at University of California, Berkeley and Ohio State University. Dr. Sweet earned his Ph.D. in classics and a master’s degree in English from the University of California, Berkeley. His bachelor’s degree is in English from Harvard College.

Today, in addition to overseeing academics and admissions for the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts, Dr. Sweet focuses on his teaching and research interests which include Greek epic and tragedy, Herodotus, Plato, Latin Poetry (Catullus, Vergil, Horace, and Juvenal), and Cicero.



Dr. Gail Thomas is a Founding Fellow of the Dallas Institute and creator of its Center for the City. Thomas served as the Institute’s Founding Director for eighteen years and has been a strong advocate of the active presence of the humanities in the life of the city. She has taught at the Dallas Institute, Schumacher College in the UK, and the University of Dallas.



Prof. Mary Vernon is former Professor of Art and Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor at SMU, from which she recently retired. She is represented by Valley House Gallery of Dallas and will have two local exhibitions in the fall. She will also receive the Dallas Historical Society Award for Excellence in Community Service (in the Creative category) in November.



Jerome Weeks is the Art & Seek producer-reporter for KERA. A professional critic for more than two decades, he was the book columnist for The Dallas Morning News for ten years and the paper’s theater critic for ten years before that. His writing has appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Newsday, American Theatre and Men’s Vogue magazines. Mr. Weeks was an entertainment reporter for the Houston Post and an associate editor for Third Coast magazine. He has won five Katie Awards from the Dallas Press Club, a graduate journalism fellowship from Columbia University and a Knight Digital Media Fellowship to the University of California-Berkeley. He has appeared onStudio 360, C-SPAN’s Booknotes and the PBS documentary Sweet Tornado: Margo Jones and the American Theater. Mr. Weeks is a member of both the National Book Critics Circle and the American Theatre Critics Association, and was recently named a fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.



Jacques Barzun grew up in Paris and moved to the United States as a teenager. In more than half a century of service to Columbia and three decades since, Jacques Barzun has epitomized the potential of liberal education within the University and without. He distinguished himself not only as one of Columbia’s most outstanding professors and scholars, but also in a wide variety of delicate administrative positions. A prolific author for both the specialist and the general reader, he published as author or editor more than 30 critical and historical studies over the past eight decades, Barzun is perhaps best known to students for his The Modern Researcher, now in its sixth edition, and to teachers for The American University (1968). His surprise bestseller, From Dawn to Decadence, was published in 2000. In 2003, Barzun was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian award.

As a Columbia undergraduate, Barzun served as drama critic of the Spectator, editor of Varsity (the literary magazine), and president of the Philolexian Society. Immediately upon graduation, he was appointed an instructor in the history department. He became full professor in 1945, Seth Low Professor of History in 1960, and University Professor in 1967. He was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the Colloquium on Important Books. He later helped establish Humanities A and taught the course regularly. Barzun’s many administrative accomplishments include serving as dean of graduate faculties and as provost. Barzun’s commitment to the College never wavered. Even after retiring from the University in 1975, he has continued to defend the core curriculum and to speak out against declines in academic standards. As one former Columbia graduate student remarked, Jacques Barzun was known for “prestige, authority and self-confidence” and for “his unapologetic insistence upon excellence.”



Guy Story Brown received his Ph.D. in Politics & Literature from the Institute of Philosophical Studies at the University of Dallas in 1979, with a dissertation entitled, “Longinus’ On the Sublime: The Political Foundations of Literary Criticism.” He has lectured widely and taught undergraduate and continuing education courses at Northwood University and Dallas Christian College in the Dallas area, and Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He is currently Professor of Philosophy & Literature at Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock.

Dr. Brown was Director of Research in Public Diplomacy at the Institute for International Strategic Studies in association with the University of Miami in Bethesda, Md, 1981-82, and head of the US Information Agency’s international book publishing, library, and English teaching programs from 1982-1988, where he arranged for the publication of the Federalist Papers and other titles in Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, and other languages, and led negotiations between US publishers and ministerial-level Soviet, East German, and Chinese publishing authorities in Frankfurt, Moscow, Washington, D.C., and Beijing. He was Director of the USIA Office Academic Programs, administering the Fulbright Scholarships, the world’s largest academic exchange program, 1988-1992, where he extended academic relations in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and led regional Fulbright conferences in Amsterdam, Holland, and Rabat, Morocco.

Brown received the Guttenberg award at the Frankfurt International Book Fair and was awarded the Ivan Fedorov medal by the Soviet Government and the Benjamin Franklin Distinguished Service medal by the US Government Printing Office. He received the Distinguished Service Award from the J.W. Fulbright Board of Foreign Scholarships for his work as head of the international Fulbright scholarships and related academic programs, 1988-1992.

Dr. Brown was lead presenter on the topic of “Democratization in Non-European ‘New’ Democracies” at the Conference on Democratization, Culture, and the Relations between Nations, sponsored by the FRG Bundeszentrale Fur Politische Bildung and US Center for Civic Education in Santa Monica, California and Freiburg, Germany, 2002, 2005. He is Director of The Straight Gate, a 501(c)3 prison aftercare program coordinating numerous regional prison ministries and serving more than 100 persons per year in South Oak Cliff, Dallas.

His books include Calhoun’s Philosophy of Politics: A Study of “A Disquisition on Government” (2000) and Shakespeare’s Philosopher King: Reading “The Tragedy of King Lear” (Spring 2010) both from Mercer University Press. Among other projects, he is presently working on annotated editions of Calhoun’s “Disquisition on Government” and Lipscomb’s “Civil Government.”

As a Columbia undergraduate, Barzun served as drama critic of the Spectator, editor of Varsity (the literary magazine), and president of the Philolexian Society. Immediately upon graduation, he was appointed an instructor in the history department. He became full professor in 1945, Seth Low Professor of History in 1960, and University Professor in 1967. He was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the Colloquium on Important Books. He later helped establish Humanities A and taught the course regularly. Barzun’s many administrative accomplishments include serving as dean of graduate faculties and as provost. Barzun’s commitment to the College never wavered. Even after retiring from the University in 1975, he has continued to defend the core curriculum and to speak out against declines in academic standards. As one former Columbia graduate student remarked, Jacques Barzun was known for “prestige, authority and self-confidence” and for “his unapologetic insistence upon excellence.”



Coming Soon



Dr. Louise S. Cowan (1916-2015) was inaugural holder of the Louise Cowan Chair of Literature at the University of Dallas and is a Founding Fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. She is formerly Chair of the English Department and Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Dallas. She and her husband Donald Cowan were central and instrumental in the creation and building of both the University of Dallas and the Dallas Institute. In 1983 she conceived of and initiated the Teachers Academy at the Dallas Institute, which in July 2009 conducted its 26th consecutive Summer Institute for Teachers, a program that the National Endowment for the Humanities called a “model for the nation” and for which, among other contributions, she received the Charles Frankel Prize in 1991, now called the National Humanities Medal, the nation’s highest award for work in the humanities. During her long career, she has received numerous awards for her achievements in teaching and advancing liberal education.

Dr. Cowan received her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University and has written widely on the American South and especially Faulkner, the Russian novel, and literary theory, especially in formulating her own theory of the four literary genres, about which she has edited and contributed to three volumes of essays.



Dr. Keith Critchlow is an internationally known lecturer, teacher and author. His many books include Order in space, Time Stands Still and Islamic Pattern as a Cosmological Art. He is a founder member of RILKO (Research Into Lost Knowledge Organisation), a founder member and Director of Studies of Kairos and a founder member and president of the Temenos Academy. Keith founded VITA (Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts) a department now attached to the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts. He is now semi-retired as Professor Emeritus at VITA but continues to lecture worldwide and practice as an architectural consultant. Keith’s work in the field of architecture includes the Krishnamurti Study Centre in the U.K., the ecumemcal chapel an Crestone Colorado, USA and the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medicine in Puttaparthy, India, in all of which he has embodied the principles of sacred geometry.


Dr. Dona S. Gower

The University of Dallas English Department Dona S. Gower Memorial Endowed Scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Athena Foundation, which Dr. Gower founded.  

Dona (Spawn) Gower, who graduated from UD with an English Major in 1964, went on to receive a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University.  She was a passionate and inspiring teacher of literature at the college and high school levels, and in the last three decades of her life worked with non-profit foundations in Dallas dedicated to educating teachers.  She created the Athena Foundation solely with this mission--to allow the renewal and enlargement of purpose for teachers through a communal experience of classic texts of literature. 

Here is an essay Dr. Gower wrote and presented to the Athena Foundation.

The education Dr. Gower received at the University of Dallas was the foundation for her love of classic literature and the basis for her passionate belief in the power of literature to transform the lives of those who study it.  Rising senior English majors may submit an application for the scholarship, including a brief essay reflecting on the importance of the role of the teacher.  

For more information regarding the endowment application please contact the English Department.



Dr. Hazel Henderson is the founder of Ethical Markets Media, LLC and the creator and co-executive Producer of its TV series. She is a world renowned futurist, evolutionary economist, a worldwide syndicated columnist, consultant on sustainable development, and author of The Axiom and Nautilus award-winning book Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy (2006) and eight other books. She co-edited, with Harlan Cleveland and Inge Kaul, The UN: Policy and Financing Alternatives, Elsevier Scientific, UK 1995 (US edition, 1996).

Her editorials appear in 27 languages and in 200 newspapers syndicated by InterPress Service, Rome, New York, and Washington DC. Her articles have appeared in over 250 journals, including (in USA) Harvard Business ReviewNew York TimesChristian Science Monitor; and Challenge, Mainichi (Japan), El Diario (Venezuela), World Economic Herald (China), LeMonde Diplomatique (France) and Australian Financial Review. Her books are translated into German, Spanish, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish, Korean, Portuguese and Chinese. She sits on several editorial boards, including Futures Research QuarterlyThe State of the Future Report, and E/The Environmental Magazine (USA), Resurgence and Foresight and Futures (UK).

Since becoming a full-time TV producer, Hazel has stepped down from her many board memberships, but she remains on the International Council of the Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social, Sao Paulo, Brasil, a Patron of the New Economics Foundation (London, UK) and a Fellow of the World Business Academy. The first version of her Country Futures Indicators (CFI©), an alternative to the Gross National Product (GNP), is a co-venture with Calvert Group, Inc.: the Calvert-Henderson Quality-of-Life Indicators.

In addition, she has been Regent’s Lecturer at the University of California-Santa Barbara, held the Horace Albright Chair in Conservation at the University of California-Berkeley, and advised the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment and the National Science Foundation from 1974 to 1980. She holds Honorary Doctor of Science degrees from the University of San Francisco, Soka University (Tokyo) and Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts (USA). She is an active member of the National Press Club (Washington DC), the World Future Society (USA), a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation and a member of the Association for Evolutionary Economics. Henderson has many awards and is listed in Who’s Who, USA, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Business and Finance and Who’s Who in Science and Technology. She is an Honorary Member of the Club of Rome. She shared the 1996 Global Citizen Award with Nobelist A. Perez Esquivel of Argentina. She is a Fellow of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture and in 2007 was elected a Fellow to Britain’s Royal Society of Arts.



Dr. James Hillman is a Founding Fellow of the Dallas Institute and is, among his many other achievements, creator and founder of Archetypal Psychology, a movement and school of thought that has had a profound impact, beyond Freud and Jung, on the way the discipline of psychology is regarded and practiced, and the way we view the world psychologically.

In 1959 Dr. Hillman was named Director of Studies of the Jung Institute in Zurich, where he served until 1969. Around 1960, he began what has become a highly distinguished publishing career now in its fifth decade. He returned to the U.S. in 1978, joining Drs. Louise and Donald Cowan and Robert Sardello at the University of Dallas. This was where he also began his acquaintance and work with Drs. Joanne Stroud and Gail Thomas.

In 1970 he became editor of Spring Publications, and it was then that he began the movement that would become known as “archetypal psychology,” which among other things aimed to broaden the concerns of psychology beyond its focus on personal therapy to include an imagination of culture through myth, poetry, the arts, and other creative expressions of human experience—that is, to turn psychology toward the world. Through this important, extended work, he is credited with being a central figure in returning “soul” to psychology, and much of that return was accomplished here in Dallas, at the University of Dallas and at the Dallas Institute.

Dr. Hillman received a Pulitzer Prize nomination in 1975 and the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic in 2001, for the creativity of his thinking. He has held distinguished lectureships at the Universities of Yale, Princeton, Chicago, and Syracuse, and his books have been translated into some twenty languages. Among his many volumes are The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling (a NY Times bestseller), The Force of CharacterRe-Visioning PsychologyThe Dream and the UnderworldSuicide and the Soul (a landmark book that re-introduced the term “soul” into psychological discourse), A Terrible Love of WarHealing FictionPan and the Nightmare, and Archetypal Psychology: Volume One of the Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman (published by Spring Publications in conjunction with Dallas Institute).

Deceased October 27, 2011.



Coming Soon



Coming Soon



Born in Wichita, Kansas, in 1934, Jim Lehrer received an A.A. degree from Victoria College and a B.J. in 1956 from the University of Missouri before joining the Marine Corps. From 1959 to 1966, he was a reporter for The Dallas Morning News and then the Dallas Times-Herald. He was also a political columnist at the Times-Herald for several years and in 1968 became the city editor. Lehrer’s newspaper career led him to public television, first in Dallas, as KERA-TV’s executive director of public affairs, on-air host and editor of a nightly news program. He subsequently moved to Washington, DC, to serve as the public affairs coordinator for PBS, and was also a member of PBS’s Journalism Advisory Board and a fellow at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Lehrer went on to join the National Public Affairs Center for Television (NPACT) as a correspondent.

It was Lehrer’s work with NPACT that led to his initial association with Robert MacNeil and, ultimately, to their long-term partnership. In 1973, they teamed up to provide NPACT’s continuous live coverage of the Senate Watergate hearings, broadcast on PBS. Following that Emmy-winning collaboration, Lehrer was the solo anchor for PBS coverage of the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry of Richard Nixon.

In October 1975, the half-hour “Robert MacNeil Report,” with Jim Lehrer as the Washington correspondent, premiered on Thirteen/WNET New York. Over the next seven years, “The MacNeil/Lehrer Report” (as it was renamed in 1976) won more than 30 awards for journalistic excellence. In September 1983, Lehrer and MacNeil launched their most ambitious undertaking, “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” The 1995-96 season marked the 20th year of their journalistic odyssey, as well as MacNeil’s departure and Lehrer’s stewardship of the program as “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” In 2009, the program title changed to “PBS NEWSHOUR” to reflect the program’s expanded role as the hub of news and public affairs programming on PBS both online and on air.

Lehrer has been honored with numerous awards for journalism, including the 1999 National Humanities Medal, presented by President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. Also in 1999, Lehrer was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame with MacNeil and into The Silver Circle of the Washington, DC, Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He has won two Emmys, the Fred Friendly First Amendment Award, the George Foster Peabody Broadcast Award, the William Allen White Foundation Award for Journalistic Merit and the University of Missouri School of Journalism’s Medal of Honor. In 1991, he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Jim Lehrer and his wife, Kate, have been married since 1960. They have three daughters – Amanda, Lucy and Jamie – and six grandchildren.



Weiming Lu, FAICP, Hon. AIA, is an internationally recognized urban planner and designer. Through public-private partnerships, he led the effort in transforming empty warehouses and parking lots in the historic Lowertown to a new urban village by the Mississippi, where many chose to live and work, including 500 artists. Soon the Union Depot will be restored, light rail transit, Amtrak, and high speed train to Chicago will follow. It became a national model for building livable, creative and sustainable cities.

His career took him to planning and design leadership positions in Minneapolis, Dallas, and St. Paul. In Minneapolis, he helped formulating the Constellation Cities Plan for the Twin Cities metropolitan area; and the Metro Center 85 Plan that led the rejuvenation of downtown Minneapolis. In Dallas, he led the urban design program, which helped save the Texas School Book Depository, and the rejuvenated the West End District, created the Art District, helped save Swiss Avenue, and protected the escarpment district and the flood plain.

He has lectured at many universities including Harvard, MIT, U.C./Berkley, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas, Texas, Rice, Ball State, Tsinghua, Nanjing, Warsaw, Wasada, and Seoul. He was an Adjunct Professor for the School of Architecture at the University of Minnesota, and the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He served as advisor for the MIT East Asia Planning and Architecture Lab for a number of years. He was a Visiting Professor for Tokyo University, and the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan.

Currently, he is an advisor to the planning institutes of Beijing and Shanghai, the China National Academy of Arts, the Lower Phalen Steering Committee, the Greater Lowertown Master Plan Task Force, and the U.S./China Friendship Association on a Chinese Garden project. He and his wife have created a Shan Shui Foundation Fund in support of art and culture programs.



Dr. Albert Murray’s contribution to African-American literature has established the value and importance of the “blues idiom” as the basis for approaching life as an African American. Born in Nokomis, Alabama, on May 12, 1916, Murray received his B.S. from Tuskegee Institute in 1939. He joined the Air Force in 1943 and retired with the rank of major in 1962. During his period in the service, Murray earned his M.A. from New York University (1948) and taught literature and composition to civilians and soldiers both in the United States and abroad.

The Omni-Americans (1970), Murray’s first book, contains reviews, essays, and commentaries that engage and challenge the predominant frameworks within which matters of race and culture were then being discussed. Critiquing what he called “the folklore of white supremacy and the fake lore of black pathology,” the book argues that all Americans are multicolored and that social scientific attempts to explain black life in America are fundamentally mistaken. His next book, South to a Very Old Place (1971), extends that argument with a series of memoirs, interviews, and reports that document the positive nurturing aspects of the African-American community in the South.

In 1972, Albert Murray was invited to give the Paul Anthony Brick Lectures on Ethics at the University of Missouri. These lecturers were published as The Hero and the Blues (1973). Here Murray develops his concept of literature in the blues idiom, a theory he eloquently practiced in the novel Train Whistle Guitar(1974), which won the Lillian Smith Award for Southern Fiction. The hero of this novel received from his family and neighbors in the segregated South the cultural equipment necessary for leading a successful life-a sense of fundamental individual worth combined with community responsibility akin to the relationship between the improvising jazz soloist and the supporting band.

In 1976, Murray turned the concept of the blues idiom back on itself, writing perhaps the best book ever published on jazz aesthetics, Stomping the Blues, Murray collaborated with Count Basie on his autobiography, Good Morning, Blues (1985), and in 1991 published The Spyglass Tree, the long-awaited sequel to his first novel. A catalog essay on the paintings of Romare Bearden (Romare Bearden, Finding the Rhythm, 1991) extends Murray’s concepts of improvisation, rhythm, and synthesis even to the realm of the visual arts.



Lyle Novinski is a long time Professor at the University of Dallas, an established painter and designer. MA and MFA degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, further study in Philosophy and Theology at Marquette University. Professor Novinski’s interests as a working artist embrace a wide range of topics, painting as a discipline, design and execution of liturgical spaces. Widely known as a lecturer on the nature of the Sacred in Art and Architecture, Professor Novinski now teaches courses on the History of Sacred Art at the University of Dallas, Retiring from active studio instruction he remains the professor of the large and popular History of Art and Architecture course. His many exhibits over the years have brought note to his work, culminating in a Retrospective Exhibition at the University of Dallas. His work graces over 60 installations in the churches of the region, including the windows at St. Rita in Dallas, and the furnishings of the Neuhoff Chapel at SMU. He served as furnishings designer and consultant on the renovation of Perkins Chapel at SMU. His essays have appeared in various Institute publications. He is currently working on several publications, a volume on his experiences as a GI in Korea, a book of his Poetry, and a History of Sacred Art.



Artistic Director and founding member of Undermain Theatre, Katherine Owens is a native of Odessa, TX and graduate of the University of Texas. She is known for bringing new and visionary theater to Dallas audiences. She is a recipient of the AAUW Texas Woman of Distinction Award, the 2013 Dallas Historical Society Award for Excellence in the Creative Arts, was chosen as one of The Dallas 40 by DMagazine, was named one of Dallas’ 100 Creatives by the Dallas Observer, and was nominated for the 2013 “Texan of the Year” by the Dallas Morning News. She has been a fellow of the Sundance Institute since 2015 when she and Len Jenkin were selected to participate in The Sundance Institute’s Theater Lab to workshop the script of Len Jenkin’s Jonah which had its world premiere at Undermain in 2016.

Other world premieres directed by Katherine Owens at Undermain include Len Jenkin’s Abraham Zobell’s Home MovieTime in Kafka and Port Twilight, David Rabe’s The Black Monk, Lynne Alvarez’s The Snow Queen, Mac Wellman’s Two SeptemberA Murder of CrowsThe Hyacinth Macaw, and Sylvan Oswald’s Profanity. Katherine directed Neil Young’s Greendale and John O’Keffe’s Glamour at the Ohio Theatre, Jeffrey M. Jones’ A Man’s Best Friend at WalkerSpace, and Lenora Champagne’s Coaticook at the SoHo Think Tank’s Ice Factory Festival. She has designed the videos for Erik Ehn’s Gold Into Mud (HERE American Living Room Festival in New York) and Swedish Tales of Woe (the Ohio Theatre). In 1995, Katherine traveled with Undermain Theatre to Macedonia, where she appeared in Goran Stafanovski’s Sarajevo, a threnody to the victims of the siege. She has directed numerous other productions in Dallas, New York, and Europe including the world premiere of Gordon Dahlquist’s Tomorrow Come Today, which went on to win the James Tait Award for Drama in 2015 and Judges 19: Black Lung Exhaling, which she directed as part of the international Belegrade Summer Festival in 2000. Over the next three years she will be directing Matthew Paul Olmo’s trilogy so go the ghosts of mexico.

Katherine has served as a juror for the Asian Film Festival of Dallas, has been a panelist for the Alpert Awards and Texas Commission on the Arts, and is a member of the Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing Arts Artistic Council. Her familiar voice can be heard narrating a number of programs for PBS and KERA 90.1 as well as several documentaries including Mark Birnbaum’s Las Mujeres de Valle and Judy Kelly’s Frozen Music, which won an Emmy and a Matrix Award. She is married to actor and musician Bruce DuBose.



Dr. Cheryl Sanders-Sardello was co-founder and co-director of the School of Spiritual Psychology and co-editor of Goldenstone Press. She was the administrative director of the School. She focused teaching and writing on the spiritual psychology of embodiment and sensing, the spiritual psychology of aging, and our spiritual connection with those who have died and the implications of those practices for the health of the social world. She contributed chapters to numerous books, including Silence and Love and the Soul. She was an independent teacher and scholar and has taught all over the U.S, Canada, and the U.K., as well as the Philippines and Australia.



Dr. Marilyn Stewart was part of the original faculty at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture’s Teachers Academy. She joined the Athena Foundation in its initial year and continued to teach there until it disbanded. She retired from The Greenhill School, where she was a member of the English department and a Faculty Leader. She has also taught at Southern Methodist University, Brookhaven College, and Sunset High School. She holds the B.A. and M.A. in English from the University of Texas at Austin and the Ph.D. in Literature and Psychology from the University of Dallas. She has published essays on The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, Paradise Lost, and Don Quixote.



Dr. Joanne Stroud is a Founding Fellow of the Dallas Institute, Director of Institute Publications, Editor of the Gaston Bachelard Translation Series, and Founder at the Dallas Institute of the annual James Hillman Symposium. She is author of The Bonding of Will and Desire, among numerous other publications.